Unless otherwise stated, the location for all activities is Rathdara/Riversdale Community College, see the directions tab above.
Please come 10 minutes early to services to allow time to get settled.
Sunday Morning Worship: 10.30am
11:45am Bible Study for Adults
11:45am Sunday School for Children.
Sunday Evening is utilized for youth events etc.
Tuesday Prayer Meeting (this is held both on Zoom and in person at a local home – please phone for information): 7.30pm.
Other activities: Prayer breakfasts, children’s meetings etc. are announced on the church calendar which is distributed monthly.

Sound Bible teaching
Blanchardstown Baptist Church has a strong emphasis on sound bible teaching.

Traditional hymns
At Blanchardstown Baptist Church, we sing traditional hymns that focus on the Lord.

At all BBC Sunday Services, there is a crèche available for children under 5 years old.

Sunday School classes
On Sunday evenings, we have Sunday School classes for all ages - from children to adults.